WO 72mm Megrez with Daystar Quark, UV/IR filter, ADC, 0.5x reducer, ASI482MC colour camera.
Disc captured with 4x 60sec videos, stacking the best 15%. ISS captured during 120sec video, extracting the frames and overlaying onto the disc.
Home, 27th July 2024

7-pane mosaic with OMC-140, Daystar Quark, ASI294MC pro.
Home, 13th May 2023

Large sunspot responsible for the widely viewed aurora on 10-11th May 2024. 72mm refractor, Daystar Quark, ASI294MC Pro colour camera.
Home, 10th May 2024.

Solarcan mounted on the front of my house for year from April 2021. Scanned, inverted and processed in Photoshop. 1 year exposure.
Home, 2021-2022

WO 72mm Megrez with Daystar Quark, UV/IR filter, ADC, ASI482MC colour camera.
Partial disc captured with a 60sec video stacking the best 15%. ISS captured during 120sec video, extracting the best frame and overlaying onto the disc.
Home, 28th July 2024

72mm refractor with Daystar Quark and Canon 6D. Range of exposures stacked and combined in LR & PS.
Home, 20th April 2024.

William Optics 72mm Megrez with UV/IR filter, Daystar Quark, 0.5x reducer and ASI294MC Pro camera. Approx. 7 panel mosaic, each panel 2000 frames stacking the best 150 in AS!3.
Home, 10th Aug 2022

William Optics 72mm Megrez with UV/IR filter, Daystar Quark, 0.5x reducer and ASI294MC Pro camera. 6 panel mosaic, each panel 30sec stacking the best 100 in AS!3.
Home 4th April 2023

William Optics 72mm Megrez with UV/IR cut filter, Daystar Quark and ZWO ASI294MC Pro. 2.30min video c.2000 frames selecting the best 150. Processed in AS!3, Registax and PS.
Home, 6th Aug 2022

WO 72mm Megrez, UV/IR Cut filter, Daystar Quark, ZWO ASI294MC Pro. 3min video captured on ASIAir, processed in AS3! (best 150 stacked), Registax & Photoshop.
Home, 18th June 2022

WO 72mm Megrez, UV/IR Cut filter, Daystar Quark, ZWO ASI294MC Pro. 3min video captured on ASIAir, processed in AS3! (best 150 stacked), Registax & Photoshop.
Home, 18th June 2022

WO 72mm Megrez, UV/IR Cut filter, Daystar Quark, ZWO ASI294MC Pro. 3min video captured on ASIAir, processed in AS3! (best 150 stacked), Registax & Photoshop.
Home, 18th June 2022

WO 72mm Megrez, UV/IR Cut filter, Daystar Quark, ZWO ASI294MC Pro. 3min video captured on ASIAir, processed in AS3! (best 150 stacked), Registax & Photoshop.
Home, 18th June 2022

WO 72mm Megrez, UV/IR Cut filter, Daystar Quark, ZWO ASI294MC Pro. 3min video captured on ASIAir, processed in AS3! (best 150 stacked), Registax & Photoshop.
Home, 18th June 2022

WO 72mm Megrez, UV/IR Cut filter, Daystar Quark, ZWO ASI294MC Pro. 3min video captured on ASIAir, processed in AS3! (best 150 stacked), Registax & Photoshop.
Home, 18th June 2022