6-pane mosaic with OMC-140 and ASI482MC and IR filter.
Home, 31st Jan 2023

8” EdgeHD with ASI482MC an IR850 filter.
4000 frames, selecting the best 25% to stack and process.
Home, 19th April 2024

8” EdgeHD with ASI482MC an IR850 filter.
14,000 frames, selecting the best 25% to stack and process.
Home, 19th April 2024

16 pane mosaic. OMC-140 with IR850 filter and ASI482MC.
Home, 25th May 2023

8” EdgeHD with ASI482MC an IR850 filter.
2000 frames, selecting the best 25% to stack and process.
Home, 19th April 2024

6 pane mosaic. OMC-140 with IR850 filter and ASI482MC.
Home, 26th May 2023

2 pane mosaic. OMC-140 and IR850 filter with ASI482MC.
Home, 25th May 2023

Dominated by craters Gemma, Frisius and Maurolycus.
8 pane mosaic. OMC-140 with IR850 filter and ASI482MC.
Home, 26th May 2023

8” EdgeHD with ASI482MC an IR850 filter.
3500 frames, selecting the best 25% to stack and process.
Home, 19th April 2024

OMC-140 Mak-Cass with ASI290mm mini (mono)
Mosaic of stacked frames.
Home 2nd March 2020

Mak-Cass with CMOS cooled colour camera. LPro filter.
Cwmdu, Wales 23rd Apr 2023

C11 with 2.5x Powermate, ASI482MC and IR 850nm filter
Home, 11 May 2022

C11 with 2.5x Powermate, ASI174mm mini and IR850 filter.
4min video, selecting best 15% of 2500 frames. Processed on AS3!, Registax and PS.
Home, 10th Feb 2022.

C11, ASI482MC, 850nm filter.
3min video c.8000 frames, stacking the best 15%. AS!3, Registax and PS.
Home, 14th Feb 2022

8” EdgeHD with ASI482MC an IR850 filter.
2200 frames, selecting the best 25% to stack and process.
Home, 19th April 2024

OMC-140 Mak Cass with ASI290MC and IR685 filter.
Home, 22nd April 2021

OMC-140 Mak Cass with ASI290MC and IR685 filter.
Home, 22nd April 2021

10 Day Moon phase. 2000 AVI frames stacked and best 15% selected in AS3! and Registax. OMC 140 with ASI290MC and IR 685nm filter
24th March 2021

10 Day Moon phase. 2000 AVI frames stacked and best 15% selected in AS3! and Registax. OMC 140 with ASI290MC and IR 685nm filter
24th March 2021

OMC-140 Mak-Cass with ASI290mm mini (mono)
Mosaic of stacked frames.
Home 2nd March 2020

OMC-140 Mak-Cass with ASI290mm mini (mono)
Mosaic of stacked frames.
Home 3rd March 2020

OMC-140 Mak-Cass with ASI290mm mini (mono)
Mosaic of stacked frames.
Home 2nd March 2020

OMC-140 Mak-Cass with ASI290mm mini (mono)
Mosaic of stacked frames.
Home 3rd March 2020

OMC-140 Mak Cass with CMOS single shot camera and UV/IR Cut Filter.
Stack of 300 frames, selecting the best 15%
Home 3rd April 2020

10 Day Moon phase. AVI files stacked and processed in AS3! and Registax. OMC 140 with ASI290MC and IR 685nm filter
24th March 2021

OMC-140 Mak-Cass with ASI290mm mini (mono)
Mosaic of stacked frames.
Home 2nd March 2020

Various exposures stacked in Registax6.
8” RC and CMOS single shot colour camera.
Adjusted in Adobe LR and PS.
Home, 11th May 2019.

C11, ASI482MC, 850nm filter.
3min video c.8000 frames, stacking the best 15%. AS!3, Registax and PS.
Home, 14th Feb 2022

9 Day Moon, detail around the terminator.
8” RC and DSLR, single exposure.
Home 19th March 2016

OMC-140 Mak Cass with CMOS single shot camera and UV/IR Cut Filter.
Stack of 300 frames, selecting the best 15%
Home 3rd April 2020

12 day Moon detail. OMC-140 Mak-Cass with ASI290MM mini (mono).
Stack of 100 images, selecting the best 10%
Home, 6th March 2020

12 day Moon detail. OMC-140 Mak-Cass with ASI290MM mini (mono).
Stack of 150 images, selecting the best 25%
Home, 6th March 2020

12 day Moon detail. OMC-140 Mak-Cass with ASI290MM mini (mono).
Stack of 150 images, selecting the best 25%
Home, 6th March 2020

OMC-140 Mak-Cass with ASI290MM mini (mono).
Mosaic of 4 panes, each containing a stack of 100 images.
Home 27th Feb 2020

OMC-140 Mak-Cass with ASI290mm mini (mono)
Mosaic of 5 panes, each a stack of 100 images.
Home, 27th Feb 2020

The large central feature is Mare Crisium, 418 km diameter.
8” RC video capture, stacking the best 25% of around 4000 frames in Autostakkert and Registax.
Home 16th March 2021