Single frame, Sigma 20mm Art lens with Canon 6D.
Lansdown, Bath 12th Oct 2024

Single frame, Sigma 20mm Art lens with Canon 6D.
Lansdown, Bath 12th Oct 2024

Western horizon, skimming the hedges. Canon 6D with 135mm lens at f/2.8. Stack of 7 5sec exposures in Sequator and PS.
Home, 9th April 2024

8” EdgeHD with ADC and ASI482MC, combo of IR and UV/IR filters. Processed in AS3! and Registax, finished in Photoshop.
Home, 30th Oct 2023

8” EdgeHD with ADC and ASI482MC, combo of IR and UV/IR filters. Processed in AS!3 and Registax, finished in Photoshop.
Home, 30th Oct 2023

72mm refractor with one shot colour camera, single frame 200ms.
Home, 2nd March 2023

Stack of the comet against the stars (the comet is moving, not the stars).
Home, 23 Jan 2023

3hrs movement against the background stars (just skimming the treetops with a 51mm WhiteCat at 250mm fl. Each frame roughly 5min intervals.
Home, 23 Jan 2023

3min videos captured over 1 hour, stacked and de-rotated in WinJupos.
Home, 6th Sep 2021

OMC-140 with ADC, 2.5x Powermate, UV/IR cut filter, ASI482MC.
90 sec video, best 50% stacked.
Home, 8th Dec 2022

Approx. 30min motion of Jupiter, Io and the end of Io’s shadow transit
Home, 6th Sep 2021

2000mm fl Mak-Cass with Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector, UV/IR cut filter and ASI290MC colour camera.
36,000 frames stacking the best 10,000 in AS3!, Registax and PS.
Home, 28th Aug 2021

2000mm fl Mak-Cass with Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector, UV/IR cut filter and ASI290MC colour camera.
90,000 frames across 9 video files, stacking the best 2000 of each in AS3!, de-rotating in WinJupos, sharpening in Registax and PS.
Home, 28th Aug 2021

A twilight image of Venus and Mars about to disappear behind the distant hills topped by Beckford’s Tower. Panasonic GX7 and 200mm telephoto lens.
Home, 13th July 2021

72mm refractor with 2x Barlow, DSLR and Baader solar filter. Tracked on an equatorial mount.
Home 10th June 2021

The first hour was clouded over, so this if from the maximum to the end approx. 11.15am to 12pm

Mars appears as a trail as it moves against the background stars over 2.5hrs, making a close approach to M45.
51mm APO and CMOS single shot colour camera on iOptron Skyguider Pro with LPro filter.
Home 7th March 2021

Jupiter and the Galilean Moons. WO Megrez 72 with 2.25x Barlow, ASI290MC camera and iOptron SkyGuider Pro.
Home, 10th Aug 2021

This image was produced with deliberately overexposed frames to look for any satellites of Uranus. Here we have approx. 70 x 10 sec images stacked in AS!3 and edited in PS to remove the brightness. Friends on Twitter helped identify the four major moons all around +14 magnitude.
Taken with the OMC-140 and ASI290MC camera, UV/IR filter mounted in the BLT, 23rd Jan 2021

I took my lightest rig to a remote location with a southern aspect: 51mm App with ASI290mc colour camera on iOptron Skyguider Pro. I captured a series of short videos. This was primarily to pick out the moons - I was very happy to capture +9.3 mag Titan.

One day before the closest meeting of the planets. Frames taken from a video and combined into an image. Overexposed to see the moons, failed to capture Titan this time. This was using a fixed tripod and high frame rate camera to shoot a video as the planets crossed the frame.
OMC 140 2000mm fl Mak with ASI290mc and ASIair.

Images produced from video captured with the ASIAIR Pro using both Infrared IR850 filter & UV/IR cut. The former gives sharper detail, the later gives colour. The combined images overlays the two.
Home 4th Nov 2020

Mars, two days after closest approaching and a week from opposition.
2000mm fl OMC140 Mak Cass, Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector, Baader 1.3x Barlow, Baader Flip Mirror 2, UV/IR cut filter and ZWO ASI290MC colour camera.
Video frames captures on Firecapture, processed with Autostakkert and Registax.
Home 8th Oct 2020

Two images taken on the same night - learning the art of planetary imaging. 140OMC Mak at 2000mm fl and f/14 with ADC and IR685nm filter to counter the effects of poor conditions. Each were around 1000 frames processed in AS3! and Registax.
Home, 13th Sep 2020

This image was shot on a CMOS single shot colour camera with UV/IR cut filter through a 51mm APO refractor. Using APP Beta Comet stacking registration method I combined 30s, 120sec & 300s guided images into one combined image. The gaps in the star trails are the gaps between image sets or frames omitted due to satellites.
Home, low-cost pier 22nd July 2020

This GIF is comprised of 5x 300sec exposures taken with a 51mm APO and CMOS single shot colour camera tracked and guided on an iOptron Skyguider Pro. The movement between each frame make it impossible to stack without getting star trails. Each frame was calibrated with Flats, Darks and Bias frames.
Home 22nd July 2020

Single 30s Night Lapse exposure on a GoPro Hero5.
Bathampton, 3am 12th July 2020

This images comprises 40 x 3sec frames through a 51mm APO and DSLR on a MSM SiFo Rotator.
Bath, 3am-3.30am 12th July 2020

Panasonic GX7 M4/3rds with 200mm lens. 1x 10sec exposures at ISO 1600, tracked on MSM Sifo Rotator.
Home 11th July 2020

Panasonic GX7 M4/3rds with 200mm lens. 5x 11sec exposures at ISO 400, tracked on MSM Sifo Rotator.
Home 11th July 2020

Panasonic GX7 M4/3rds with 200mm lens. 7x 6sec exposures at ISO 400, tracked on MSM Sifo Rotator.
Home 11th July 2020

Panasonic GX7 M4/3rds with 200mm lens. 7x 4sec exposures at ISO 200, tracked on MSM Sifo Rotator.
Home 11th July 2020

Single image taken with 51mm APO and Canon 600D.
Processed in LR and PS.
Home 22nd May 2020

Didn’t know how to approach this rare event; how to capture the faint stars of M45 without the brightness of Venus blowing the image.
With a 51mm APO and CMOS single shot colour camera with UV/IR cut filter I took:
30x 3 secs, 30x 5 secs & 30x 10 secs - stacked each then layered the three images in PS to adjust the brightness and opacity.
Home 3rd April 2020

72mm refractor with 2x barlow and solar filter.
Canon 600D.
11th Nov 2019, low cost pier

First attempt at Venus with specialist filters. Don’t really know how its meant to look! The Venus U filter appears to have picked up cloud structures in the atmosphere. Am waiting on an IR Pass Filter to see what that might show at the higher wavelengths.
All other details on the image.

This was shot mid-afternoon with a Venus-U filter.
Still practising with exposures, gain and focus, but I think there’s some faint cloud structure there.
Home 19th April 2020

Having tried a U filter I now tried the other end of the spectrum IR.
This is also taken with a Baader 1.3x Barlow which increases the magnification.
Home 23rd April 2020

A few weeks later and the disc is increasing in size but the crescent is reducing.
Taken with a Baader 2.25x Barlow which increases the magnification.
Home 5th May 2020

GoPro Hero5 Night Lapse mode
Composite image of 7 frames
Home, 23.15pm 20th May 2020

8” RC and CMOS single shot colour camera.
mini stack of 3x 120sec exposures
Home 27th March 2020

30x 60sec exposures with 51mm APO and CMOS colour single shot camera
Stacked in APP
Home pier, 28th Jan 2020 8-9pm GMT

This fast moving comet passed through Cassiopeia in Aug 2014.
This stack of 19x 30sec exposures through a 72mm refractor captured the comet’s movement over just 12mins. The bright star to the top left is HD9811 and forming an equilateral triangle with the comet is NGC609.
22nd Aug 2014, 23.07-23.19pm

72mm refractor and CMOS camera on equatorial mount
Short stack of 30sec exposures
Home 2019

72mm refractor and CMOS camera on equatorial mount
Short stack of 30sec exposures
Home 2019

10 x 30 sec frames in an 8” RC to pick out (3) Juno against the background stars of Virgo. Three reference stars annotated.
Home 9th April 2020

5 x 120 sec frames in an 8” RC to pick out (6) Hebe against the background stars of Virgo. Three reference stars annotated.
Home 9th April 2020

This is my first attempt to image Venus through my Mak-Cass.
I used an Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector for the first time, a colour uncooled ASI 290MC camera with a UV/IR cut filter.
Lots to learn.
Home 24th March 2020, low cost pier.

Panasonic GX7 M4/3rds with 200mm lens. Combo of 2 short exposures.
Home 11th July 2020

The following night, this time with 51mm APO and DSLR
Bath, 12th July 2020